Documentary Screening: La Cosecha (The Harvest)
Knight Library Browsing Room 1501 Kincaid St. UO campus Free & open to the public Documentary screening: La Cosecha (The Harvest) This documentary addresses agricultural child labor in America. This…
Knight Library Browsing Room 1501 Kincaid St. UO campus Free & open to the public Documentary screening: La Cosecha (The Harvest) This documentary addresses agricultural child labor in America. This…
Jane Grant Conference Room Hendricks Hall 330 1408 University St. The Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies will hold its annual Grant Writing Workshop targeted toward graduate…
October 10, 2016—“The experiences of many white college students, even in places as heavily Caucasian as the Northwest, resemble more and more the lives led by many whose immediate roots…
September 19, 2016—“UO political scientist Dan Tichenor recently kicked off a new radio program focusing on university research, speaking for almost a half hour on the history of immigration debates…
Source: New study delves into state approaches to immigration | Around the O Daniel Tichenor, a UO political science professor and CLLAS faculty affiliate, is engaged in a “States of Immigration”…