Harvest of Pride: Screening & Discussion
7:00 PM Screening of Harvest of Pride 8:00 PM Discussion and Q&A Following the Screening a Suggested $5-10 donation First United Methodist Church 1376 Olive Street Eugene, OR “I am…
7:00 PM Screening of Harvest of Pride 8:00 PM Discussion and Q&A Following the Screening a Suggested $5-10 donation First United Methodist Church 1376 Olive Street Eugene, OR “I am…
a a Lokey Education Bldg. Room 276 1571 Alder St. UO campus a CLLAS grantee presentation by Center for Equity Promotion Research Associate Heather McClure, UO graduate student Iván Sandoval-Cervantes,…
Knight Library Browsing Room 1501 Kincaid St. A Lecture by Aviva Chomsky (Salem State University) The problem of undocumented or “illegal” immigration is in some ways new, but in other…
a This student conference on “Indigenous People, Climate Change, and Environmental Knowledge” is part of a series of events on Indigenous Peoples in the Americas during academic year 2011-2012 sponsored…
Hendricks Hall, 1st floor Frazier Hearth Room 1408 University St. CLLAS Grantee Presentation: Alejandra García Diaz Villamil (PPPM) The Impact of Microfinance on Women’s Empowerment in Bolivia How have communal…