Now available: Spring 2016 CLLAS Notes
Spring 2016 CLLAS_Notes CLLAS founding director Lynn Stephen passes the torch of leadership and highlights the history and many achievements of the past nine years in the formation and growth of…
Spring 2016 CLLAS_Notes CLLAS founding director Lynn Stephen passes the torch of leadership and highlights the history and many achievements of the past nine years in the formation and growth of…
“On a summer day in 2004, Julie Weise strode up to an aged stone building in Mexico City that housed the archives of the secretary of foreign relations for Mexico.…
Sad Happiness: Cinthya’s Transborder Journey directed by Lynn Stephen; produced by Sonia De La Cruz and Lynn Stephen Creative Commons (2015) 39 minutes Lynn Stephen is co-director of CLLAS and…
Corazón de Dixie: Mexicanos in the U.S. South Since 1910, written by UO assistant professor of history Julie Weise and published by University of North Carolina Press, has been chosen to receive this year’s…
Lynn Stephen, professor of anthropology and codirector of CLLAS, combines her research and the refugees’ stories into a powerful petition for political asylum. Read about her work as an expert…