Symposium: War and Memory
a University of Oregon School of Law Symposium War and Memory: Bearing Witness to Loss in Everyday Life Call for papers and symposium website: Oregon Review of International Law Call…
a University of Oregon School of Law Symposium War and Memory: Bearing Witness to Loss in Everyday Life Call for papers and symposium website: Oregon Review of International Law Call…
a a CSWS Noon Talk Free & Open to the Public Knight Library Browsing Rm 1501 Kincaid St. Gabriela Martínez will discuss her work-in-progress about Guatemala, and the significance of…
Humanities Center Conference Room, 159 PLC 1415 Kincaid St., Eugene Works-in-Progress Talk: “Latina/o Literature and the Cross- Currents of U.S. Environmentalism” David Vázquez, associate professor, Department of English, is a…
Mills International Center Erb Memorial Union 13th & University Streets UO campus Please join us for an intimate event with Daisy Rojas, a Cuban activist currently touring with Witness for…
a a Fir Room Erb Memorial Union (EMU) 1222 E. 13th St., UO campus An Indigenous Peoples in the Americas Event A MIRROR TO OUR WORLD: Photo Exhibition & Presentation Carlota Duarte, MFA,…