Gender-and-Development-Poster_WEBThese events open to the public. See Conference Website for more information.

SCHEDULE Highlights

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 

5:00pm              Keynote address with Irene Tinker and Jane Jaquette: Women, Gender and Development: Past Insights, Future Possibilities: 30 minute talk with 15-20 minutes for questions/comments (open to the public; Knight Library Browsing Room)

Friday, October 24th, 2014

4:00-5:45pm       Panel 4: Gender, Migration and Care Work: Paid and Unpaid  (open to the public; Ford Lecture Hall, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art)

  • Chair: Lynn Stephen
  • Discussant: Lynn Fujiwara
  • Presenters
    • Kristin Yarris: Between Love and Money: Grandmothers, Remittances, and the Moral Economies of Care in Nicaraguan Transnational Families
    • Grace Chang: The Damayan Diaries
    • Elena Shih: Humanitarian Investments or Filial Remittances: Moral Economies of Life After Trafficking in China and Thailand
    • Leisy Abrego: Sacrificing for the Family: Migrant Mothers Facing Gendered Opportunities and Expectations to Remit

6:00-7:30pm       Closing keynote address with Kimberly Hoang: Dealing in Desire: Asian Ascendancy, Western Decline and the Hidden Currencies in Global Sex Work.  30 minute talk with 15-20 minutes for questions/comments, followed by closing reception (open to the public; Ford Lecture Hall, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art) Sponsored by University of Oregon Department of Political Science, Department of Sociology, Department of Anthropology, Department of Geography, Department of International Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, Environmental Studies, African Studies, Latin American Studies, Office of International Affairs, Oregon Humanities Center, Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics, Confucius Center for Global China Studies, Global Oregon, Office of Research, Innovation, and Graduate Education, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, Carlton and Wilberta Ripley Savage Endowment for International Relations and Peace, the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies, School of Journalism and Communication, Office of the Vice President for Institutional Equity and Inclusion, and the College of Arts and Sciences.