Afro-Latin@-América: History & Culture in the United States
McKenzie Hall Room 129 UO campus A presentation by Juan Flores and Miriam Jimenez Roman The authors will provide an overview of the history of Afro-Latinos/Latinas in the United States…
McKenzie Hall Room 129 UO campus A presentation by Juan Flores and Miriam Jimenez Roman The authors will provide an overview of the history of Afro-Latinos/Latinas in the United States…
Browsing Room UO Knight Library 1501 Kincaid St. A group of scholars who specialize in Latin American studies across disciplines will gather at the University of Oregon campus to give…
Hendricks Hall Jane Grant Conference Room 330 UO campus Presenters: Edward Olivos, Department of Education Studies and Gerardo Sandoval, Department of Planning, Public Policy, and Management This public participation course…
a a A Voice for Ben 4:30 pm Margaret Randall Gerlinger Lounge Reception 6:00 pm Ben Linder Room, EMU Live music by Los Cumbiamberos Jugglers & Clowns Refreshments FREE TO…
Hendricks Hearth Room University of Oregon CLLAS grantee presentation by Gerardo Sandoval (Assistant Professor, Planning, Public Policy and Management) and Megan Smith (Director of RARE, Community Service Center). This project…