CSWS Jane Grant Conference Room (330)
Hendricks Hall
Free & open to the public
Registration required: zambrana@uoregon.edu
Limited capacity: 15 people
“Anticapitalist Feminisms” Workshop
A Feminist Reading of Debt: A conversation with
Verónica Gago and Luci Cavallero

This workshop is designed to engage faculty and students in the discussion of Verónica Gago and Luci Cavallero’s co-authored book Una lectura feminista de la deuda [A Feminist Reading of Debt] (Fundación Rosa Luxemburgo, 2019; forthcoming in English with Pluto Press). The book provides a theoretical framework to track the impact of debt on women from a novel feminist lens.
This unique work is a groundbreaking contribution to theoretical and practical responses to debt crises in the Americas. A feminist reading of debt entails a visibilization of concrete and individual narratives and bodies against the strategies of financial abstraction; it implies a monitoring of the ways in which debt is linked to modes of violence perpetrated on female and feminized bodies; and it comprehensively maps forms of labor understood from a feminist perspective, attaching value to domestic, reproductive and community oriented labor. Ultimately, the books seeks to interrogate all the possible ways in which women can rebel against the neoliberal financial logic with its interest rates and the expropriation of women’s time and bodies. This workshop is an opportunity for our UO community to take part in current conversations about the role of feminist movements in bringing about critical perspectives to engage political, social and economic aspects of the world we live today.
Verónica Gago teaches Political Science at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and is Professor of Sociology at the Instituto de Altos Estudios, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. She is also Assistant Researcher at the National Council of Research (CONICET). She has been a Visiting Scholar in the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs at UC Berkeley, and is the author of Neoliberalism from Below: Popular Pragmatics and Baroque Economies (Tinta Limón 2014; Duke University Press, 2017) as well as of numerous articles published in journals and books throughout Latin America, Europe and the US. She is a prominent member of Argentina’s “Ni Una Menos” (“Not one less”) and Colectivo Situaciones. Luci Cavallero is an activist, author and journalist. Co-author of A FeministReading of Debt (Rosa Luxemburgo, 2019).
Associate Professor Rocío Zambrana (Philosophy) and Assistant Professor Mayra Bottaro (Romance Languages) will lead the workshop discussions and facilitate the conversations with Gago and Cavallero.
Event sponsored by The Women of Color Project, the Center for Latino and Latin American Studies (CLLAS), the Department of Philosophy, and the Center for the Study of Women in Society.