e1357110591615-250x100Knight Library
Browsing Room
1501 Kincaid St.
Free and open to the public

Second event in “The Borders Within: Immigrants, Race, and the Politics of Surveillance and Enforcement in the United States” symposia series [3]

  • 2-3:30 p.m.—Roundtable featuring LAURETTA FREDERKING [4], University of Portland; MARGARET HU [5], Duke University; and KAYSE JAMA [6], Center for Intercultural Organizing.
  • 4-5:30 p.m.—Keynote address, “Fracturing Our ‘More Perfect Union’: Post-9/11 Discriminatory Profiling and Surveillance,” featuring HINA SHAMSI [7], director of the ACLU’s National Security Project. In this event, we explore how immigration politics and the lives of newcomers are transformed in perilous times of war and emergency, with a focus on how security priorities after 9/11 recast the national immigration debate and policy-making process. Equally important, we seek to understand how official programs of surveillance and profiling—funded and advanced by both the Bush and Obama administrations—shape the experiences of Muslim and Arab Americans.

The final symposium in the series, Place and Belonging: Policing Immigrant Lives at the State and Local Scales [8], takes place Friday, May 3, 2 p.m. in the Giustina Ballroom, Ford Alumni Center.

Sponsored by the Wayne Morse Center’s Migration Project, the Savage Endowment for International Relations and Peace, The Americas in a Globalized World Initiative, the Global Oregon Initiative, and Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies.


[1] http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=8a06b91ec7529a459284ee127&id=9923bd509e&e=

[2] http://www.waynemorsecenter.uoregon.edu/

[3] http://waynemorsecenter.uoregon.edu/conferences-symposia/migration-project/

[4] http://www.up.edu/dir/directory/showperson.aspx?id=000917869

[5] http://law.duke.edu/fac/hu/

[6] http://www.interculturalorganizing.org/who-we-are/staff/

[7] http://www.aclu.org/blog/author/hina-shamsi

[8] http://waynemorsecenter.uoregon.edu/place-and-belonging-policing-immigrant-lives-at-the-state-and-local-scales/

[9] https://twitter.com/morsecenter

[10] https://www.twitter.com/morsecenter/

[11] http://www.facebook.com/waynemorsecenter

[12] http://waynemorsecenter.uoregon.edu