The Department of Romance Languages at the University of Oregon is proud to announce the launch of our new Spanish Heritage Language program (SHL). This program is designed for students who grew up in a Spanish-speaking household or community in a country where Spanish is not the dominant language, such as the United States. SHL offers a variety of classes to meet students’ needs as heritage learners. Students with Spanish-language heritage will explore topics related to their cultural background, and coursework is designed to help them recover and/or develop their heritage linguistic abilities. We are thrilled to offer several SHL classes starting in Fall 2012 term. For more information about the SHL program please email: herencia@uoregon.edu.
SHL Website. (http://blogs.uoregon.edu/herencia218/)
SHL courses at the U of O (2012-2013)- SPAN 218, 228, 308, 428, 438/538.
Claudia Holguín Mendoza, Assistant Professor of Spanish & Coordinator of the Spanish Heritage Language Program