Spring 2021 CLLAS Notes
Spring 2020 CLLAS Notes

- Letter from Director, Gabriela Martínez
- “Poet Melissa Lozada-Oliva a Big Hit with UO Students”
- Graduate Research—“Transmission of Traditional Botanical Knowledge among the Shuar of Amazonian Ecuador”
- Graduate Research—“Recalling Runaways: Studies of Slavery and Absenteeism in Cuba”
- Graduate Research—“The Struggle Continues: Gender-based Violence and the Politics of Justice and Care in Urban Brazil”
- Faculty Research—“Decolonial Environmentalisms: Race, Genre, and Latinx Literature”
- News & Book Notes
- Event Reports

- Letter from the Interim Director, Carlos Aguirre
- “Justice and Reparation in Guatemala”—Judge Yassmin Barrios gave a lecture on campus about her experiences as an advocate for justice & human rights in Guatemala
- “Lynn Stephen Completes Her Tenure as LASA President”
- Faculty Research—“Strugging with Sustainability: Guarayo Cultural and Environmental Management Challenges”
- Graduate Research—“Responses to Gendered Violence in Costa Rica and Guatemala”
- Graduate Research—“Sounds of Power: Peruvian colonial pipe organs in the interplay of cultures”
- Graduate Research—“Environmental Justice and the Local Effects of Glacier Melt in the Peruvian Cordillera Huayhuash”
- News & Book Notes
- Event Reports
- 2019-20 Grant Recipients

- Director’s Letter
- Greetings from the Interim Director
- CLLAS Teach-In with Film Director Peter Bratt
- The Carnaval Shines a Spotlight on Latinx Theatre
- Indigenous Maya Labor in a Site of World Heritage
- Indigeneity and Mobilization in Lowland Bolivia
- Immigrant Latina Survivors of Partner Violence and Work
- News & Book Notes
- Upcoming events
- Director’s Letter
- 2018 CLLAS Symposium: Justice Across Borders
- UO Puerto Rico Project: Hurricane Maria and Its Aftermath
- Developing a Disability Legal Consciousness
- Uses of the Copal Tree in Zapotec Oaxaca
- Creating Communities of Welcome: Understanding Motives to Assist Migrants and Refugees in a Hostile Era
- Dreamers Working Group Report
- News & Book Notes
- Director’s Letter
- Jose Antonia Vargas: In Conversation with Chris Chavez at CLLAS Town Hall
- Activism or Extractivism? Indigenous Land Struggles in Eastern Bolivia
- Gender, Indigeneity, and Activism: An Intergenerational Look at Indigenous Women’s Organizing in Manaus, Brazil
- Contemporary Displacement Patterns and Responses: Haitians at the U.S.-Mexico Bord
- News & Book Notes
- Director’s Letter
- Students Document Latino Roots
- Research Awards
- The Price of Progress: Guatemala and the U.S. in the 1960s
- Indigenous Adaptation fo Mining-Related Infrastructure in the Amazon Rain Forest of Ecuador
- Afro-Indigenous Women Healers in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas
- News & Book Notes
- Director’s Letter
- Mexican Dream
- New to Campus: Faculty & staff profiles
- Book Notes
- Criminal Alien-Nations: Deportation and Navigating Northern Mexico
- Journalistic Coverage on Unaccompanied Children
- RAP Updates
- Director’s Letter
- Artist Visit: Hector Villegas & Chicano Park
- Strengthening Networks of Support among Latin@ Students at UO
- Reyna Grande keynote
- Lidiana Soto tells her border story
- Anabel Lopez-Salina: Visiting Scholar
- New faculty books & film
- Director’s Letter
- Latina/os and K-12 Education symposium report
- Research Action Project updates
- Re-Thinking Open Spaces: making the City of Eugene’s parks and community centers a more welcoming and inclusive place for its growing Latino population.
- Enrique Chagoya: Adventures of Modernist Cannibals
- Graduate Research: Lifestyle change, hormone levels, and parasitic disease risk among the Shuar in Ecuador
- New faculty books & film
- Director’s Letter
- Testimonials & film synopses from Latino Roots students
- Research on an indigenous Amazonian language
- Immigration and gendered violence
- Latino parental engagement in Oregon dual language schools
- Oregon Latina/o high school students and equity
- Reflections from the CLLAS Scholar-in-Residence
- News, books, & updates
- Director’s Letter
- Zapotec Hip Hop Artist Mare Performs at Beall Hall
- Students Benefit from Innovative Partnership on Cultural Competency
- Havana Hip Hop
- Empowering Oregon Latinos: The Latino Civic Participation Project
- CLLAS Scholar-in-Residence Is Also a Literary Artist
- CLLAS Symposium: “Public Engagement in Latin@ and Latin American Studies at UO” and more upcoming events
0514_CLLAS_Notes_WEB Highlights include:
- CLLAS receives stable funding from UO through base budgeting
- César Chávez Victoria, a graphic artist from Oaxaca, Mexico, delivers a full package during his 4-day UO residency
- Genocide Grant Brings two Scholars to Campus
- Pulitzer-Prize Winning Journalist Hector Tobar Inspires a Packed Audience
- Graduate and Collaborative Research Projects detail farmworker testimony; traditional building vs. concrete block in Guatemala; inhibitory control in the bilingual brain.
- Director Lynn Stephen and Associate Director Gerardo Sandoval share new action-oriented CLLAS projects.
- News about CLLAS-related celebrations and publications, including books and documentaries by CLLAS associates.
- Reports from faculty and student grantees on their CLLAS-funded research, including civic engagement in Medford, Oregon; impacts of education in Guatemalan women’s microcredit programs; implications of free trade on women in Colombia’s cut flower industry; a historical look at the North American Spanish borderlands of Florida; and more.
- Director’s Letter—Director Lynn Stephen reviews the activities and development of CLLAS during academic year 2012-13, including the securement of continued funding for CLLAS and the selection of two associate directors.
- Project reports from students of the 2013 winter/spring Latino Roots class—three students write about their work on oral history documentaries.
- Vision statements from new CLLAS associate directors Lise Nelson and Gerardo Sandoval.
- Reports from faculty and student grantees on their CLLAS-funded research.
- CLLAS Impact Report
- US Department of Education Grant to Boost Latin American Studies at UO
- Revised PCUN History Book Released in Conjunction with the Opening of CAPACES Leadership Institute
- Reports from CLLAS Graduate Student Grantees
- Launching of the Intercultural Competency Program for Graduate Students
- News and update
- “From the Director”—a letter from interim director David Vázquez
- UO-UNAM Draw Closer to Historic Exchange Program
- Afro-Latin@ Studies at UO
- UO to Help Sift Records for Evidence in Guatemalan War Atrocities
- Juventud FACETA and UO Researchers Collaborate to Investigate Links between Racism and Health among Latinos in the Eugene/Springfield Area
a Winter_2012_CLLAS_newsletter
- “The Oregon Latino Heritage Collaborative”—News about the historic partnership between UO and PCUN
- CLLAS Graduate Student Research Grants—“The Political Economy of Land Conflict in a Transborder Oaxacan Community” and “Huerto de la Familia”
- Event reports on Spain and Latin America through Contemporary Poetry; Indigenous Language Revitalization; Chiapas Photography Project; and Models of Indigenous Education
- Students Tour One of Oregon’s Largest Latino Businesses
Spring_2011_CLLAS_newsletter This fourth edition of CLLAS Notes includes:
- “From the Director”—a letter from Lynn Stephen
- “Documenting Latino Roots”—Oral history project takes off in the classroom: project notes from four students
- “Reporting on CLLAS Graduate Student Research Grants”
- “Sustaining Latino Small Businesses in Eugene and Springfield, Oregon”
- “English professor David Vázquez Named Interim CLLAS Director”
Winter_2011_CLLAS_newsletter This third edition of CLLAS Notes includes:
- “Collaborations—Working with Others for the Greater Good”—a letter from CLLAS director Lynn Stephen
- “Building New Leadership at PCUN”—Oregon’s Farmworker Movement Plans for the Future
- “Reporting on CLLAS Graduate Student Research Grants”
- “Assessing Community Leaders’ Views on Immigrant-Community Relations”
Spring 2010 CLLAS newsletter This second edition of CLLAS Notes includes:
- “A Groundbreaking Pilot Study”—CLLAS-funded research gleans valuable information about Latino students at UO
- “CLLAS Kickoff Celebration”
- “Latino Roots in Oregon: A Documentary Film Project”
- CLLAS grantees announced for the 2010-11 academic year
- CLLAS News and Update
aWinter 2010 CLLAS newsletter This first edition of CLLAS Notes includes:
- “A New UO Research Center”—news about the origins of CLLAS by director Lynn Stephen
- “Witnessing a Social Movement”—the “Making Rights a Reality” digital ethnography website about the 2006 Oaxaca social movement
- “Mexican Masculinities in Dispute: Popular Icons of the Borderlands”
- “Community, Banking, Conflict and Cooperation in Nicaragua” by Elias Meyer