HuertaEditor’s Note: Antonio Huerta is a member of the CLLAS Executive Board.

Source: Horses, roping and history: The story of a UO charro | Around the O

December 18, 2015—“In Antonio Huerta’s hands, rope becomes a living, fluid thing, spinning in blurry circles above and beneath and around him.

“It’s a skill he mastered over many years, starting as child in a rural village in Mexico, where rope work was just part of daily ranch chores. But Huerta learned how to make it an art form and in the process became a charro, a word that evokes the deep connections Mexico’s people have for their past and for the land as well as for their modern culture and traditions.

“Huerta, the outreach manager for the UO’s Division of Undergraduate Studies, helps keep that past alive, not only by competing in charro competitions known as charreadas, but also by helping pass the art on to new generations. That work earned him an Oregon Folklife Network Award, and he was recently among a group of award winners who were honored at the Capitol Building in Salem.”

Read the full story and watch the video in Around the O