Cuentos-para-dormir-poster180 Prince Lucien Campbell Hall (PLC)
1415 Kincaid St.
UO campus

UO Department of Education Studies (COE) presents: Guest lecture by Sophia Sobko

“Cuentos para Dormir” — Bedtime Stories by Deported Parents (DREAMers Moms USA/Tijuana A.C.)

Public lecture, display of books, binational book reading with DREAMers Moms and students from El Colegio de la Frontera Norte.

Cuentos para Dormir (Bedtime stories by deported parents) is an original book series of children’s books written by deported Mexican parents living in Tijuana, BC, Mexico. All the books in the series are original books written by the parents for their children. The books describe the first hand experiences of deportation and family separation, as experienced by the parents. The books are beautifully illustrated and tell very poignant stories of parents yearning to be reunited with their children.

Cosponsors􀀂: Division of Equity and Inclusion • UO Libraries • College of Education • Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies (CLLAS) • Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership (EMPL) • Department of Ethnic Studies • English Department • Latin American Studies Program