Each year, CLLAS asks its graduate student research grant recipients to report back on the impact of their CLLAS grants, letting us know what awards and additional grants they won, what papers they’ve published, and so on. Here is a report from 2016-17 grantee Tobin Hansen, a PhD candidate in anthropology.
2017 Hansen, Tobin. (Forthcoming). “‘Criminal Alien’ Arrests, Detentions, and Deportations: Child Migrants’ Social Citizenship and the Right to Presence in the United States.” In Boehm, D. A. & Terrio, S. J. (Eds.), Il/legal Encounters: Migration, Detention, and Deportation in the Lives of Young People. New York: New York University Press.
2017 Malcolm McFee Memorial Endowment Award; (Paper Competition Winner); Department of Anthropology, UO; – “The Moral Politics of ‘Criminal Alien’ Deportations: Social Citizenship and Legal Exclusions”
2017 IDRF Photo Competition, Co-Winner (Photo-Essay Category); Social Science Research Council, International Dissertation Research Fellowship, 2017 Cohort
2016 Guerrero-Friedlander Human Rights Graduate Student Paper Prize, Honorable Mention; American Anthropological Association, Committee for Human Rights – “Relief from Deportation: ‘Particular Social Group’ and Risk of Interpersonal Violence”
2016 ALLA Graduate Student Paper Prize, Honorable Mention; American Anthropological Association, Association of Latino and Latina Anthropologists – “Legal Citizenship and Belonging: Criminal Aliens and Deportation to Mexico”
2016 Cheney-Safa Paper Competition Winner; Latin American Studies Association, Gender Studies Section – “Redefining Post-Deportation Masculinities: Deported Men and ‘Getting By’ on the Northern Mexico Border”
2017-2018 Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics, University of Oregon, Graduate Research Fellowship; “Criminal Alien-Nations: Child Migrants to the United States Deported as ‘Criminal Alien’ Adults”
2017-2018 Predoctoral Fellow; Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies, University of California at San Diego