2014 Journal Articles

These journal articles published by UO faculty and graduate students are in keeping with the CLLAS mission statement.

Erin Beck, Assistant Professor, Political Science

  • “Countering Convergence: Agency and Diversity Among Guatemalan NGOs” in Latin American Politics & Society (Summer 2014).  Abstract: “The proliferation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across the developing world has sparked discussions of the “NGOization” of civil society and concern that NGOs have become increasingly uniform and internally homogenous.  This article explores the evolution of NGOs in Guatemala since the 1960s and finds that NGOs historically and currently respond in diverse ways to external pressures – adjusting their strategies and actively attempting to shape their environment.  Comparing two microcredit NGOs, it additionally finds that old and new models combine in unique organizational contexts in distinct ways.  These two findings suggest that diversity is likely to persist among NGOs.”

Ernesto Javier Martinez, Associate Professor, Departments of Women’s and Gender Studies, and Ethnic Studies

  • “Con quién, dónde, y por qué te dejas? Reflections on Joto Passivity,” Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies. 39:1 (2014).

Michelle McKinley, Bernard B. Kliks Professor of Law, Associate Professor, School of Law

  • “Illicit Intimacies: Virtuous Concubinage in Colonial Lima,” Journal of Family History 39:3 (2014) pp. 204-221.

Ellen Hawley McWhirter, Ann Swindells Professor of Counseling Psychology; Director of Training, Counseling Psychology Program

  • McWhirter, E. H., Luginbuhl, P. J., & Brown, K. (February 2014). ¡Apóyenos! Latina/o student recommendations for high school supports. Journal of Career Development. doi: 10.1177/0894845312470511. Abstract: We examined 401 Latina/o high school students’ postsecondary plans and their responses to an open-ended question about how their schools should better help Latina/o students to achieve their plans. The majority of students planned to enroll in postsecondary education or training. Boys and those responding in Spanish were more likely not to plan to continue their education, and those responding in Spanish were more likely to plan to work full time or part time than those responding in English. Themes generated from the open-ended responses include that schools should provide more motivational support, structured programs, and clubs that engage Latina/o students within their schools and communities, academic assistance and support, information related to financial aid, college, and careers, and that schools should eliminate discrimination and racism and increase Latina/o cultural resources. Implications for research, practice, and policy are discussed.

Sandoval, Gerardo, Associate Director, CLLAS, and Assistant Professor, Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management. 

  • Kelly Main & Gerardo Sandoval (2014): “Placemaking in a translocal receiving community: The relevance of place to identity and agency.” Urban Studies, DOI: 10.1177/0042098014522720
  • Gerardo Sandoval & Luz Hernandez (2014): “Gender, Transnationalism and Empowerment in Postville, Iowa: Women with electronic shackles,” in Transbordering Latin Americanisms: Liminal Places, Cultures, and Powers (T)Here, editor Clara Irazabal, Routledge Press, New York, London.
  • Cassandra Moseley , Gerardo Sandoval & Emily Jane Davis (2014): “Comparing Conditions of Labor-Intensive Forestry and Fire Suppression Workers,” Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2014.888792
  • Lung-Amam, Willow; Harwood, Stacy; Sandoval, Gerardo; Sen, Siddhartha. “Teaching Equity and Advocacy Planning in a Multicultural ‘Post-Racial’ World,” Journal of Planning Education and Research.
  • Olivos, Edward and Sandoval, Gerardo.  “Latino identities, the racialization of work, and the global reserve army of labor: Becoming Latino in Postville, Iowa,” Ethnicities.
  • Gerardo Sandoval.  “Immigrant integration models in ‘illegal’ communities: Postville Iowa’s shadow context,” Local Environment.

Jessica Vasquez, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology

  • Vasquez, Jessica M. 2014. “Gender across Family Generations:  Change in Mexican American Masculinities and Femininities.” Identities 21 (5):532–550.
  • Vasquez, Jessica M. 2014. “The Whitening Hypothesis Challenged: Biculturalism in Latino and non-Hispanic white intermarriage.” Sociological Forum 29 (2):386-407.

Yarris, Kristin Elizabeth, Assistant Professor, Department of International Studies

  •  Yarris, Kristin Elizabeth, “Quiero ir y no quiero ir” (IWant to Go and I Don’t Want to Go): Nicaraguan Children’s Ambivalent Experiences of Transnational Family Life,” The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (2014) 19(2): 284-309.  JLACA 2014. Yarris
  • Yarris, Kristin Elizabeth, “‘Pensando Mucho’’ (‘Thinking Too Much’): Embodied Distress Among Grandmothers in Nicaraguan Transnational Families,”  Cult Med Psychiatry (2014) 38:473–498. Yarris. CMP. 2014