Resources for Teachers
Discussing Genocide and Human Rights in the Classroom: Challenges & Opportunities
This workshop took place on June 5, 2015.
Retreat for Middle and High School Teachers: Human Rights
This workshop took place on June 6, 2015.
Following are PDFs from both of these workshops.
- PDF Lisa Albrich UO Art and Human Rights June 2015_WEB, “Guardando la memoria: Acciones de protesta, resistencia y coraje en Argentina y Chile”
- PDF Erin Beck_Human rights presentation_WEB, “The Thirst for Rights: The Struggle over Water in Guatemala”
- PDF June Black, Stephanie Wood, Lisa Aldrich, Art & Human Rights in Latin America_Pedagogical Approaches_6 June 2015_WEB, “Art & Human Rights in Latin America”
- PDF, Dr. Lamia Karim_CLLAS_WEB, “The Cost of Cheap Clothes: Globalizaton and Female Garment Labor in Bangladesh”
- PDF Stephanie Wood, Saturday 6 June 2015 UO, “Art and Human Rights: Photography & Los Desaparecidos”