The 2020 winter edition of CLLAS Notes, our twice-yearly newsletter, is now available online. Print edition will be available after January 1.
Gabriela Martínez, CLLAS director and SOJC professor, revisits our fall events. Fall saw the kick-off of a new two-year theme, “The Politics of Language in the Americas: Power, Culture, History, and Resistance.” CLLAS organized several fall events, including partnering with the UO Common Reading program and Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art this fall to host a brunch with Helena María Viramontes, author of Under the Feet of Jesus.
Read about award-winning poet Melissa Lozada-Oliva’s visit to UO on October 9, which included a poetry slam and a teach-in where guests teamed up to compose original poems. Learn about CLLAS-funded faculty and graduate research on topics ranging from agricultural practices in Amazonian Ecuador to gender-based violence in Brazil.
The 2020 winter edition of CLLAS Notes, Volume 11, Issue 1, includes:
- Letter from Director, Gabriela Martínez
- “Poet Melissa Lozada-Oliva a Big Hit with UO Students”
- Graduate Research—“Transmission of Traditional Botanical Knowledge among the Shuar of Amazonian Ecuador”
- Graduate Research—“Recalling Runaways: Studies of Slavery and Absenteeism in Cuba”
- Graduate Research—“The Struggle Continues: Gender-based Violence and the Politics of Justice and Care in Urban Brazil”
- Faculty Research—“Decolonial Environmentalisms: Race, Genre, and Latinx Literature”
- News & Book Notes
- Event Reports