Winter_2015_CLLASNotes_coverWinter_2015_CLLAS Notes

Read updates about action-oriented CLLAS research projects in the latest edition of the CLLAS Notes, the newsletter of the UO Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies. You can learn more about books recently published by faculty associated with the mission and goals of CLLAS. You can read articles from faculty  and graduate students about CLLAS-supported research and events, including an ethnographic study of hip hop in Havana, Cuba, and a hands-on approach to engage Latino community members in the complexities of planning and public policy decision-making. You’ll learn about CLLAS’s first Scholar-in-Residence; the Globalization, Gender & Development Conference held in October; and  ways in which UO students benefitted from an innovative partnership on cultural competency.

If you’re on the CLLAS mailing list, watch for your print edition soon. If you would like to join the CLLAS mailing list, email