UO’s Tichenor is one of 32 inaugural Andrew Carnegie fellows | Around the O.
April 21, 2015—CLLAS affiliated faculty member Daniel Tichenor has been selected as an inaugural Andrew Carnegie Fellow. Dr. Tichenor is the Philip H. Knight Professor of Political Science and Senior Faculty Fellow, Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics, University of Oregon. Dr. Tichenor commented: “I’m ecstatic to receive the Carnegie fellowship. It’s a nice vote of confidence in my past work and my new research blueprints. But I’m most excited about the fact that Carnegie support will make it possible for me to finish research and writing on a book titled Democracy’s Shadow: Undocumented Immigrants and the Quest for Inclusion. For the full story: http://around.uoregon.edu/content/uos-tichenor-one-32-inaugural-andrew-carnegie-fellows