A teach-in and poetry slam on campus
CLLAS Teach-In: Language and Poetry as Resistance, October 9, 10am-11am, Knight Library Browsing Room
CLLAS Latinx Heritage Month Poetry Slam by Melissa Lozada-Oliva, October 9, 4pm-5pm, 240C McKenzie Hall
Melissa Lozada-Oliva is a spoken-word poet, author, and educator. Her book Peluda (Button Poetry 2017) explores the intersections of Latina identity, feminism, hair removal & what it means to belong. She performs her poems in hundreds of universities & venues across the country. She also does workshops on incorporating humor into poetry & general creative writing classes. Lozada-Oliva is the co-host of podcast Say More with Olivia Gatwood and her work has been featured in REMEZCLA, The Guardian, Vulture, Bustle, Glamour Magazine, The Huffington Post, Muzzle Magazine, The Adroit Journal, and BBC Mundo. She lives in New York City.
Sponsored by CLLAS. Cosponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society and other UO units.
These events are part of the CLLAS two-year theme (2019-2021): “The Politics of Language in the Americas: Power, Culture, History, and Resistance.”