Pacific Hall, Rm 30
1025 University St.
UO campus
Lena Burgos-Lafuente, assistant professor of Spanish at SUNY Stony Brook, will lecture on the topic “Los amarres de la lengua: política, exilios y contiendas del idioma en Puerto Rico (1942-2016)” at Pacific Hall, Rm 30, on May 12 at 4 p.m.
Among many articles, Prof. Lena Burgos’ book, Melancólicas inquisiciones: lectura y sujeto en Borges (Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 2006), won the Meléndez Award for Literary Criticism in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Her book Poéticas del destiempo: Literatura y política en el Caribe de mediados de siglo XX is now under review. Currently, she is working on The Puerto Rico Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Under contract, Duke University Press.
Her talk is sponsored by Romance Languages, Latin American Studies, CLLAS (Center of Latino and Latin American Studies), WOC (Women of Color Project), CSWS (Center for the Study of Women and Society) and OHC (Oregon Humanities Center). Any questions, contact Prof. Cecilia Enjuto Rangel at enjuto@uoregon.edu