El congreso LASA de estudios latinoamericanos reclama más autocrítica por la velada pervivencia del racismo en la región
Source: Congreso LASA 2015: El enorme trasero de América Latina | Cultura | EL PAÍS
This article in Espagnol talks about the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) opening of the annual meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico on May 27, 2015, for which Professor Lynn Stephen, director of CLLAS, was the moderator. The opening included the hip-hop artist Mare Advertencia Lyrika, who visited UO last September, and also Mayra Santos-Febres.
Dr. Stephen delivered the Martin Diskin Memorial Lecture at the LASA annual meeting.
The full article can be found at http://cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2015/05/28/actualidad/1432787619_549813.html