Jane Grant Conference Room
330 Hendricks Hall
1408 University St.
UO campus

2017-19 CLLAS Series: America, Bridge Across Oceans 

presented by Chương-Đaì Võ

This talk will focus on two case studies, exemplary of non-canonical modernism and contemporaneity—the periodical Signals and the exhibition The Other Story. Edited by the Manila-born, international artist David Medalla, Signals was a periodical that ran for 10 issues from August 1964 to March 1966. Unlike the post-World War II art scenes that were developing in much of Western Europe and the U.S., Signals engaged with the Latin American avant-garde, and understood art as a meeting ground for aesthetics, physics, literature, poetry, and social transformation. Medalla was part of a group of artists from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean that Rasheed Araeen proposed for an exhibition entitled The Other Story in 1978. Not staged until 1989, the exhibition’s premise—that British art history actively erased and ignored the contributions of artists of color—invigorated Araeen’s practice as an artist, curator and the founder of the influential periodical Third Text