The UO Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies was one of many campus entities that participated in the one-day symposium Showcase Oregon 2014: Incorporating Best Practices in Equity, Inclusion and Diversity. Held on May 22, 2014, the event was hosted by the Office of the Vice-President for Equity and Inclusion and its affiliate units of CoDaC, the Multicultural Center, Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence and the Many Nations Longhouse. The one-day symposium focused on the work that lies ahead in equity, inclusion and diversity at the University of Oregon.
The event was consistent with UO President Michael Gottfredson’s call for every campus unit to “work with us in assembling an overarching strategic framework for equity, inclusion, and diversity, as well as individual plans for every unit on our campus,” and was intended as an opportunity to “showcase” best practices on campus and around the country. Participants had the opportunity to attend trainings and workshops that will help campus units design and implement their individual plans for equity, inclusion and diversity.
Goals of Showcase Oregon:
- Celebrate previous diversity planning outcomes and successes
- Teach and learn best practices in equity, inclusion and diversity
- Provide input on 2014 diversity planning and implementation
- Engage in professional development