Kristin Elizabeth Yarris, assistant professor in the UO Department of International Studies and a member of the CLLAS Executive Board, was recently awarded the Society for Psychological Anthropology’s Stirling Award for best published article in Psychological Anthropology for “‘Pensando Mucho’’ (‘Thinking Too Much’): Embodied Distress Among Grandmothers in Nicaraguan Transnational Families,” published in Cult Med Psychiatry (2014) 38:473–498. Access the article here: Yarris. CMP. 2014
Professor Yarris also recently had a chapter published in a book. Citation: Yarris, Kristin E. 2015. Grandmothers, Children and Intergenerational
Distress in Nicaraguan Transnational Families. pp.117-234. In: Brandon Kohrt and Emily Mendenhall (Eds.) Global Mental Health: Anthropological
Perspectives (Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press).