2017-18 Events

CLLAS Events 2017-18 

Fall Quarter 2017

• Penelope’s Loom: A Creative Writing Workshop: Ana Lara (Anthropology).

• “Town Hall with Jose Antonio Vargas,” presentation and discussion: Christopher Chávez (School of Journalism and Communication/SOJC).

• Penelope’s Loom Public Reading: Ana Lara (Anthropology).

• CLLAS Faculty Mixer.

CLLAS Graduate Student Mixer.

• A Conversation with Indigenous Hip Hop artist, Una Isu—Miguel Villegas (Nuu Savi/Mixteco rapper)

• “History of Environmental, Economic, and Political Debts: Puerto Rico and the US,” CLLAS Teach-In: Cecilia Enjuto Rangel (Romance Languages), Rocío Zambrana (Philosophy).

• “Cultural Adaptation of Career Development Intervention for Latina Immigrant Partner Violence Survivors,” CLLAS Research Series: Krista Chronister(Counseling Psychology), Yolanda Valenzuela (Counseling Psychology).

Winter Quarter 2018

• Graduate Student Grant-Writing Workshop: Gabriela Martínez (School of Journalism and Communication/SOJC), Erin Beck (Political Science).

• “Cultural Production, Displacement & Internationalism in Latin America,” CLLAS Research Series Graduate Student Conference.

• “Creating Communities of Welcome: Understanding Motives to Assist Immigrants and Refugees in a Hostile Era,” CLLAS Research Series.

• CLLAS Professional Development Series: Faculty Collaborative Research Grants.

• “Justice Across Borders, Gender, Race, and Migration in the Americas,” CLLAS Symposium: Alaí Reyes-Santos (Ethnic Studies).

Spring Quarter 2018

• “From Manila to London to Rio: Two Cases Outside the Canon,” CLLAS Workshop: Chuong-Đaì Võ (Asia Art Archive).

• NEH Grant Writing: CLLAS Professional Development Series: Stephanie Wood (Education).

“Latinx & Latin American Studies Intersections: Migration, Indigeneity & Belonging,” CLLAS Research Series Graduate Student Conference.

• CWSW/CLLAS Open House.

• Higher Ed. Dreamer Summit: Supporting Oregon Students.

• “Cuba’s Change in Leadership and Cuba-US Relations,” CLLAS Teach-In: Will Grant (BBC).

• “Translation & Interpretation Experiences & Perceptions among Latina/o High School Language Brokers in Oregon,” CLLAS Research Series: Angel Dorantes (Education Studies).

• Latinx Studies Retreat: Alaí Reyes-Santos (Ethnic Studies).