Feb. 28 / 3:30pm / Faculty Research Series

Join us on Feb 28th, 3:30-4:30pm, in 220 Hedco for a research presentation by Audrey Lucero (Latinx Studies Director), Janette Avelar (Doctoral Student, Quantitative Research Methods in Education) & Angel Dorantes (Latino Outreach & Retention Manager, Linn Benton Community College)! 📚🌎 They’ll share insights from their research that has taken place over the last several years, in which they have been working to understand the unique schooling experiences of 3rd-12th grade Latinx students across Eugene’s Bethel School District. 

Event Details:
“Understanding the Experiences of Latinx Students in a Mid-Sized Urban School District”
Feb. 28, 3:30pm-4:30pm
No RSVP required!

Can’t attend in-person?CLICK HERE TO JOIN VIA ZOOM