2014-15 Events

Mare_large_poster_WEBFall Quarter 2014

  • Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration (cosponsorship): 10/13/14 all day, UO campus
  • Mexican indigenous feminist rap: Mare Advertencia Lirika  10/16/14  Beall Hall
  • Colonial Exchanges Conference (cosponsorship)  10/17/14  Knight Library
  • Grad Grantee Presentation: Hip Hop in Cuba, Charlie Hankin  10/23/14  EMU
  • Globalization, Gender, and Development Conference (cosponsorship)  10/23 — 10/24  Knight Library
  • CLLAS Visiting Scholar Presentation: Ana-Maurine Lara   11/20/14


Winter Quarter 2015

  • Symposium2015CLLAS Graduate Student Grant Proposal Writing Workshop: 1/22, 12–1:30 p.m., 330 Hendricks Hall.
  • CLLAS Visiting Scholar Presentation: Ana-Maurine Lara (Anthropology), 2/12, 4–5:30 p.m., 140 Allen Hall.
  • Human Rights & Genocide Prevention Roundtable. 2/19, 3:30–5 p.m., Collaboration Center, Knight Library 122.
  • CLLAS Grad Grantee Presentation: “Djeoromitxi (Brazil) Language and Culture,” Thiago Castro (Linguistics). 2/26, 3:30–5 p.m., 330 Hendricks Hall.
  • Reception for Photo Exhibit. CLLAS’s Afro-Descendant and Indigenous Peoples RAP presents a photo exhibit by the youth group reconoci.do from the Dominican Republic. 3/4, JSMA.
  • Lecture: Jafari Sinclaire Allen, 3/11.
  • CLLAS Symposium: “Public Engagement in Latin@ and Latin American Studies,” 3/12, Knight Library, Browsing Rm.


Human-Rights-Curriculum_finalSpring Quarter 2015

  • CLLAS Professional Development, Publishing Workshop: Gisela Fosado, Duke University Press, 4/2. 330 Hendricks Hall.
  • CLLAS Faculty Grant Proposal Writing Workshop: led by Gerardo Sandoval. 4/3, 12–1:30 p.m., 330 Hendricks Hall.
  • CLLAS Grad Grantee Presentation: “Intimate Partner Violence and Immigrant Women,” Kathryn Miller (Political Science) 4/16, 3:30–5 p.m., Mills International Center (tentative).
  • Junior-Senior Faculty Conversation on Publishing. 4/30, 3:30–5 p.m., 330 Hendricks Hall.
  • Bartolomé de las Casas Lecture in Latin American Studies.
  • Latino Roots Celebration. 6/4, 4–6 p.m.,  Knight Library, Browsing Room.
  • Human Rights Curriculum Workshop: Teaching Human Rights in the Context of the Museum  6/5/15
  • Retreat for Middle & High School Teachers: Human Rights. 6/6, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Knight Library 144, Edmiston Classroom.