These journal articles published by UO faculty and graduate students are in keeping with the CLLAS mission statement.
Christopher Chávez, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Communication
- Chávez Article PDF
Christopher Chávez, “Building a ‘New Latino’ in the Post-Network Era: mun2 and the Reconfiguration of the U.S. Latino Audience”
International Journal of Communication 7 (2013), 1–20
Michelle McKinley, Associate Professor, School of Law
- Michelle McKinley, “Standing on Shaky Ground: Criminal Jurisdiction and Ecclesiastical Immunity in Seventeenth-Century Lima.” University of California-Irvine Law Review, 5:3 (2013): 101-33.
Ellen Hawley McWhirter, Ann Swindells Professor of Counseling Psychology; Director of Training, Counseling Psychology Program
- McWhirter, E. H., Ramos, K., & Medina, C. (2013). ¿Y ahora qué? Immigration status barriers and Latina/o high school students’ future expectations. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 19, 288-297. doi: 10.1037/a0031814.
Latina/o high school students without documentation face a challenging situation when they graduate from high school, with pathways to work and postsecondary education stymied by their immigration status. We examined the effects of anticipated barriers associated with immigration status, age, and sex on the dependent variables of vocational outcome expectations, anticipated external and internal barriers, and postsecondary schooling plans in a sample of 475 Latina/o high school students. Findings include that students anticipating immigration status problems had lower vocational outcome expectations and anticipated more external barriers to pursuing their postsecondary plans. Latina girls and older high school students anticipating immigration status problems were more likely to plan to attend 2-year rather than 4-year colleges, and less likely to plan on postsecondary education, respectively. Implications for practice, policy, and research are discussed.
McWhirter, E. H., Valdez, M., & Caban, A. R. (2013). Latina adolescents’ plans, barriers, and supports: A focus group study. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 1(1), 35-52. doi:10.1037/a0031304. Abstract: Latina adolescents’ career and educational aspirations form in the context of their families, schools, and the larger ecologies of their lives. Contextual barriers and supports have been identified as factors that inhibit or enhance the translation of aspirations to educational and career outcomes. The purpose of this study was to provide descriptive information about postsecondary goals and the barriers and supports experienced by Latina high school girls. We also sought participants’ recommendations for how their schools could better support them. Six semi-structured focus groups were conducted with a total of 41 Latina high school students ages 14 to 19. Findings illustrate perceptions of family, friends, and school microsystems as sources of both difficulty and motivation. Barriers experienced by participants included lack of financial and language resources, negative peer influences, and discrimination from teachers, peers, and even from within their own families. Supports included parents wanting more opportunities for their daughters than they had themselves, and individualized advice and caring expectations from teachers. Based on our findings, we recommend interventions that increase access to adult advocates in schools, incorporate families, facilitate language acquisition, utilize relational-cultural models of career intervention, and provide opportunities for Latinas to provide critical feedback to their schools. We also recommend interventions that engage family strengths, counteract barriers to family-school engagement, increase teacher critical consciousness and multicultural competency, counteract racism in schools, and generate a climate of caring and high expectations.
- Joyce, J. A., O’Neil, M. E., Stormshak, E., McWhirter, E. H., & & Dishion, T. J. (2013). Peer associations and coping: The mediating role of ethnic identity for urban, African American adolescents. Journal of Black Psychology, 39, 431-454. doi: 10.1177/0095798412454681.
Abstract: This study sought to examine the relationship between coping strategies and prosocial and deviant peer associations for urban, African American adolescents. In addition, the study analyzed the mediating role of ethnic identity for coping strategies and peer associations. Results of the African American models were then compared with models for European American adolescents. Results indicated that African American and European American adolescents who reported using distraction coping strategies were more likely to associate with prosocial peers, and those who reported using self-destruction strategies were less likely to associate with prosocial peers. Adolescents who reported using distraction coping strategies were less likely to associate with deviant peers, and adolescents who reported using self-destruction strategies were more likely to associate with deviant peers. Ethnic identity mediated the relationship between coping and prosocial peer association for African American adolescents. Limitations of the study and future research directions are also presented.
McWhirter, E. H. (2013). Vocational psychology, offenders and ex-offenders, and social justice: A critical psychology perspective. The Counseling Psychologist, 41(7), 1041-1052. doi: 10.1177/0011000013482379. Abstract:
The vocational needs of offenders and ex-offenders have received little attention in the counseling psychology literature. The authors of this special issue have called attention to the importance of and possibilities associated with the development and implementation of vocational interventions for such populations. This reaction discusses the merits of the articles in this special issue, and proposes that in addition to focusing on developing effective interventions for offenders and ex-offenders, we must interrogate the U.S. prison enterprise with respect to goals, outcomes, and ultimately, social justice.
Sandoval, Gerardo, Associate Director, CLLAS, and Assistant Professor, Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management.
- Sandoval, Gerardo, “Shadow Transnationalism: Cross-Border Networks and Planning Challenges of Transnational Unauthorized Immigrant Communities,” Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol 33, Issue 2, Summer 2013: 176-193.