2011 Faculty Books

Triangulations: Narrative Strategies for Navigating Latino Identity

by David J. Vázquez

UO Associate Professor

Department of English

University of Minnesota Press

(Fall 2011)

256 pages


Bicultural Parent Engagement: Advocacy and Empowerment

edited by Edward M. Olivos, Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos, and Alberto M. Ochoa. Edward M. Olivos is an associate professor in the Department of Education Studies at the University of Oregon. Oscar Jiménez-Castellanos is an assistant professor at Arizona State University. Alberto M. Ochoa is professor emeritus in the College of Education at San Diego State University.

Teachers College Press

(November 2011)

264 pagesa

Identity Complex: Making the Case for Multiplicity

by Michael Hames-García

UO Professor

Department of Ethnic Studies

University of Minnesota Press

(August 2011)

304 pages

Recognition Odysseys: Indigeneity, Race, and Federal Tribal Recognition Policy in Three Louisiana Indian Communities

by Brian Klopotek

UO Associate Professor

Department of Ethnic Studies

Duke University Press

(June 2011)

408 pages



Sonny Montes and Mexican American Activism in Oregon

by Glenn Anthony May

UO Professor

Department of History

Oregon State University Press

(Spring 2011)

336 pages


Gay Latino Studies: A Critical Reader

edited by Michael Hames-García

UO Professor, Ethnic Studies

and Ernesto Javier Martínez, UO Assistant Professor

Ethnic Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies

Duke University Press

(April 2011)

384 pages



Beyond the Islands

translation of a novel by Alicia Yánez Cossío

by Amalia Gladhart

UO Associate Professor

Spanish, Department of Romance Languages

UNO Press (University of New Orleans)

(March 2011)

226 pages


MexicanAmericansbookcoverMexican Americans Across Generations: Immigrant Families, Racial Realities 

by Jessica M. Vasquez

New York University Press


314 pages

Publisher’s Synopsis

Jessica M. Vasquez is an associate professor in the UO Department of Sociology.



La casa del poeta no tiene llave. La poesía de Omar Lara

edited by Juan Armando Epple and Edson Faundez

Juan Armando Epple is professor of Spanish, UO Department of Romance Languages

(Puebla, México:Territorio poético/Circulo de Poesía, 2011).